Monday, 11 January 2010

French markets

While away in France over Christmas and the New Year I took the opportunity to visit a couple of French street markets. Interesting in itself, this was partly designed to find some images for the latest monthly assignment in The Guardian's Camera Club. We had the chance to visit street markets in Cahors and the smaller town of Prayssac, both in the valley of the Lot. As I only had my compact camera with me (a Canon Ixus) the results were somewhat mixed, but at least I had the chance to take some candid photographs withouth feeling intrusive. I chose six images to load into Flickr and tag for the Guardian group, but here are four different ones. Street markets are one of my favourite subjects, though with so much going on at times it can be difficult to capture something interesting enough and sufficiently focused.

The pain d'epice was a delicious spiced cake, made organically by a local producer, but we winced at the price and in the end paid almost five euros for around 200 gms. It tasted superb though.

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