Monday, 19 July 2010

I am curious (yellow)

This quirky film title from the 1960s seemed an appropriate way to introduce this subject - just a bit of fun in North Walsham one evening along the lines of capturing images on the theme of colour. After spotting a bright yellow bin near to headstones in the churchyard I decided that would set the theme, seeing as the town centre seemed to have acquired something of a yearning for the colour yellow.

Friday, 9 July 2010

Experimental wedding photography

I've often thought it would be really great to become a wedding photographer, but the market is saturated and it's hard to see a way of breaking in. I think one way is to find a niche market and exploit it, and I've been trying to read around ideas on this in particular and wedding photography in geneal by reading Photo Pro Magazine - they seem to have regular features on this subject that look to be pretty useful. No doubt I have a good deal to think about but I'm trying to work towards this over the next couple of years.

I've been playing arouind with some pretty drastic crops of some pictures I took a few weeks ago at a wedding in Suffolk, and so here just for fun are four images. It gives me some ideas and things to work on - sometimes a crop works and sometimes it just doesn't.