These are three pictures I've submitted for the Seachange Arts open exhibition on the theme of renewal. The exhibition will be taking place from 12 to 14 April in the refurbished Great Yarmouth Library gallery.
1 Urban renewal in Lisbon's Alfama district
1 Urban renewal in Lisbon's Alfama district
2 Street art in central Lisbon
My take on this submission has been a pretty straightforward one of urban renewal, taking two images from my trip to Lisbon two years ago and one very recent one from Great Yarmouth. I've always been interested in photographing street scenes, especially looking for the conjunction of stret art and posters with human interest. The second of these amused me because it shows street art of a workman painting over....street art. The final one is a little difrerent but I quite liked the strong image of the refurbished postbox at the St George's Chapel revevelopment site.